A Second Chance: Morgan Mannon’s Gift
On October 14th, Morgan experienced what he now calls a "gift"—a second chance at life. A climber and outdoor enthusiast, Morgan’s story is one of resilience, passion, and the unwavering support of a community that stretches from his roots in Orange County to the dramatic granite walls of Yosemite National Park.

10 Essentials for Snow Hiking in Yosemite National Park
Winter hiking in Yosemite requires special attention due to rapid weather changes and the rugged terrain. Here’s some “Essential” recommendations for a safe and enjoyable winter hiking trip in Yosemite

An Unexpected Storm
David Steinberg, a 70 year old seasoned backpacker with 40 years of experience from Portland, OR embarked on a 50-mile solo backpacking trip in the Toiyabe National Forest, just north of Yosemite. His journey took him through a rugged and remote area, across Dorothy Pass, and along stretches of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). As an experienced outdoorsman, Steinberg had faced challenging weather conditions before. However, this adventure presented him with a unique and potentially life-threatening scenario that put his skills, preparation, and resolve to the test.
Lost Snowshoer Survives a Night in a Snowstorm
In February of 2022, an experienced outdoorswoman, left Badger Pass planning to snowshoe to Dewey Point and return home that evening. This post will share her story and how her day trip evolved into a fight for survival against the cold and the creative actions she took to survive. Then Friends of YOSAR will discuss the lessons we can learn from this experience

Every Rescue Starts Here
Nancy Phillipe sat poised, the short and steady clicking of the keyboard kept beat to the frantic voice on the other line. Her partner, referencing the notes, began putting out a call to rescuers. “All available SARsiters needed for a technical rope rescue on Half Dome. More details to follow.”
The Ten Essentials are Still Essential: And so are Responsible Headlines
When recreating outdoors your safety is first and foremost your responsibility. Carrying the 10 Essentials can’t prevent adverse events, but they can help mitigate risk when adverse events happen.
Winter Wilderness Safety with Laura Pilewski
But the reality is, nothing is better than being prepared with the appropriate gear and an educated understanding of what you are doing and where you are going. So many people come into the park expecting that they can “just wing it,” but that can be a recipe for disaster. Winter conditions can be unforgiving and the human body is not made to survive and move in these cold, snowy environments. Having the right gear is an absolute must.
SAR is a Team Effort: Featuring HRT member Tom Healy
FOYOSAR’s feature on Helicopter Rescue Team member Tom Healy.
The Most Powerful Thing Featuring Moose Mutlow (Pt 2)
Moose Mutlow discusses the importance of FLOs, compassion, and and the powerful impact of selfless acts.

Feature: Lance Colley (YOSAR)
Get to know SARsiter and record setting climber Lance Colley.